WCT - Riga

Linnea Nilsson and Simon Olofsson from Sweden win WCT LMDCC I

Linnea Nilsson and Simon Olofsson from Sweden wins WCT Latvian Mixed Doubles Curling Cup I of season 2023/2024 – CONGRATULATIONS!

There were teams from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Hungary and Sweden in the field. All teams were divided in 2 groups and after round-robin games best three teams from each group kept fighting for the podium.

L.Nilsson / S.Olofsson (SWE) finished round-robin with no losses and earned the spot in semi-final. Swedish team played semi-final against team from Latvia K.Gaidule / R.R.Buncis. The game was very tight and swedes managed to win it. The final was in favor of Sweden team. After slow beginning Linnea and Simon didn’t allow estonians to get any points after that and won the final with result 7:2.

After the game Simon Olofsson thanked organizers, icemakers and umpires for very will organized event. It was the last preparation for Sweden team before their Nationals next week.

Game for bronze was also not so intense as semi-final. Latvian team didn’t give any chance to Lithuanians and celebrated victory with 8:1.

Good luck for Latvian and Lithuanian team in World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship qualification event and for Sweden team in the National championship.

We hope to see every team on the participants list next year!


We say thank you for support Riga city, Kērlinga halle and Intervals Latvija!

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